
This case study of Hidada is based on a December 2020 survey of PKWARE customers by TechValidate, a third-party research service.
The cybersecurity needs that most influenced their decision to use PKWARE solutions:
- Automation
- Zip file encryption
The compliance measures that most influenced their decision to use PKWARE solutions:
SecureZIP has helped address our concern for protecting sensitive documents being sent by email. Attachments can be zipped and encrypted automatically which not only saves time but also ensures that users don’t forget to protect them.
Abdul Azeez Panambron, IT Manager
Use Cases
The data types being protected with PKWARE:
- Confidential files
- Legal documents (patents, trademarks, etc.)
Data uncovered by PK Discovery is protected with:
- Encrypting
PKWARE functionality for data security is utilized with these additional use cases:
- Secure email with partners and customers
- DLP enhancement
The immediate benefits they experienced following the deployment of PKWARE:
- Improved protection of critical information
- Increased data security by 75 – 90% after implementing PKWARE technology
- Saved 75 – 90% of time spent previously moving from manually applied protection to PKWARE